Thursday, February 12, 2015

LAD #31 Wilson's 14 Points

1: Public diplomacy and negotiations.
2: Absolute freedom of the seas.
3: Removal of economic barriers and creation of equality in trade.
4: Reductions by all nations of their armies to the lowest point consistent with public safety.
5: Adjustment of colonial claims to the interests of both the inhabitants of the colonies and the colonial powers.
6: Russian independence and evacuation of it's territory by other powers.
7: Evacuation and restoration of Belgium as independent.
8: Evacuation of France and the return of the Alsace-Lorraine territory to France.
9: boundaries in Italy based on nationality
10: Austria-Hungary set free
11: people out of Rumania, Serbia, and Montenegro
12: the "Turks" given freedom
13:Poland to be made
14: establishment of something like the league of nations
These 14 points were created by Wilson in order to maintain peace among nations across the world. Sadly these points, even though good in principle, were never fully achieved and as a result it would be considered unsuccessful efforts by Wilson, who could have been one of the best presidents ever.

LAD #30 Schenck vs. U.S.

Charles Schenck was an American man who promoted the avoidance of the draft. Schenck believed that the draft was a direct violation of the 13th Amendment, ironically he was later found to be in violation of the Espionage Act because he was interfering with the military. As a result of this case the clear and present danger rule was created, meaning that since he was a danger to the nation he doesn't have the right to freedom of speech.